Sweden: The Future of Mobility?
We are happy to welcome you to ustwoTHINKS, a global event series where we explore challenging industry topics together with experts and practitioners in an engaging panel discussion. Come to our studio the 23rd of october, have some food and drinks and enjoy the ride!
This time, the topic is The Future of Mobility in Sweden.
The mobility industry is going through a rapid and likely unprecedented transformation with technology in the driver seat. How will this change affect the users, citizens, cities and public spaces? What should we expect to see and when? What opportunities does it come with and what challenges lies ahead in terms of technology, infrastructure, smart cities, ownership and innovation? What is sustainable mobility in Sweden today?
Sweden has historically been impacted by big auto- manufacturers, inventions and cutting edge technology, but what is on the mobility agenda today? We have invited some really interesting guests, to help us find out. Mona Huber, Creative Director at Uniti, Johan Karlberg, Head of digitalisation at Skånetrafiken, Peter Esse from Sunfleet and from our London Studio, our Global Head of Auto, Tim Smith.
Please join us in exploring the complex and intriguing topic of mobility together with our experienced panelists.
The event will open at 6pm with some simple food and drinks and then the moderated panel discussion will start around 7pm and last for an hour and a half. Afterwards there will be some snacks and mingle and the event closes at around 9pm.
Read more about our auto/mobility initiatives here: